The Indian para archery team, consisting of Sheetal Devi and Rakesh Kumar, secured a hard-fought bronze medal at the Paris Paralympics 2024. In a thrilling match against Italy, the Indian duo displayed remarkable resilience and skill, ultimately securing a podium finish.
The match was a nail-biter, with both teams battling fiercely throughout the four sets. Italy gained an early advantage after the first set, but India fought back with unwavering spirit, winning the second set to tie the overall score. Italy regained a slender lead in the third set, but India’s resilience shone through in the final set, as they outscored their opponents to clinch the bronze medal.
This victory marks a significant achievement for Indian para archery, as the duo’s performance has brought pride and joy to the nation. Their dedication and hard work have paid off, and their bronze medal is a testament to their exceptional talent.
Other notable Indian medalists at the Paris Paralympics include:
- Avani Lekhara: Gold medal in Women’s 10m Air Rifle SH1
- Nitesh Kumar: Gold medal in the Badminton Men’s Singles SL3 category
- Manish Narwal: Silver medal in Men’s 10m Air Pistol SH1
- Nishad Kumar: Silver medal in the Men’s High Jump T47
- Yogesh Kathuniya: Silver medal in the Men’s Discus Throw F56
- Thulasimathi Murugesan: Silver medal in Badminton Women’s SU5 category
- Mona Agarwal: Bronze medal in Women’s 10m Air Rifle SH1
- Rubina Francis: Bronze medal in Women’s 10m Air Pistol SH1
- Preethi Pal: Bronze medal in Women’s 100m T35
- Preethi Pal: Bronze medal in Women’s 200m T35
- Manisha Ramadass: Bronze medal in Badminton Women’s SU5 category
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